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Movies Detail of The Great Man (2014)

✓ Title : The Great Man
✓ Original Title : Le Grand Homme
✓ Release Date : August 13th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Sarah Leonor
✓ Writers : Sarah Leonor, Emmanuelle Jacob
✓ Companies : Les Films Hatari, Cinémage 8
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Jean-Yves Ruf, Miglen Mirtchev, Daniel Fassi, Surho Sugaipov, Paul Massé, Ramzan Idiev, Sabine Massé, Jérémie Renier

Synopsis of The Great Man (2014)

Sent to Afghanistan for 6 months, legionnaires Markov and Hamilton are caught in an ambush during an unauthorized expedition. Markov saves Hamilton, seriously wounded by rebel fire, but leaves the Legion without honors. Once back in Paris, Hamilton, convalescing, hopes to remain a legionnaire, while Markov, now a civilian and without working papers, tries to make ends meet with his son Khadji. Hamilton lends his identity to his Chechen friend, so that he can work legally. But one day, Markov disappears, leaving Hamiltion disorientated and Khadji alone in the world.

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Well, The Great Man (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Great Man (2014) itselft directed by Sarah Leonor and Starring by Jean-Yves Ruf, Miglen Mirtchev, Daniel Fassi, Surho Sugaipov, Paul Massé, Ramzan Idiev, Sabine Massé, Jérémie Renier which made The Great Man (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Great Man (2014)

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13 Aug 2014 #France