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Movies Detail of Madman at War (1985)

✓ Title : Madman at War
✓ Original Title : Scemo di guerra
✓ Release Date : May 21st, 1985
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Dino Risi
✓ Writers : Agenore Incrocci, Furio Scarpelli, Mario Tobino
✓ Companies : Renn Productions, Films A2
✓ Countries : Italy, France
✓ Cast : Bernard Blier, Tiziana Altieri, Guido Nicheli, Sandro Ghiani, Claudio Bisio, Fabio Testi, Franco Diogene, Beppe Grillo, Coluche, Gianni Franco

Synopsis of Madman at War (1985)

Story about a doctor in a Libyan military hospital who is mad, but no-one wants to declare him unfit, and he becomes the captain of a fighting unit. Through him the Germans risk losing a truce with the British, and therefore kill him and give him a hero's funeral.

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Well, Madman at War (1985) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Madman at War (1985) itselft directed by Dino Risi and Starring by Bernard Blier, Tiziana Altieri, Guido Nicheli, Sandro Ghiani, Claudio Bisio, Fabio Testi, Franco Diogene, Beppe Grillo, Coluche, Gianni Franco which made Madman at War (1985) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Madman at War (1985)

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21 May 1985 #France