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Movies Detail of Saturday Afternoon (2019)

✓ Title : Saturday Afternoon
✓ Original Title : Shonibar Bikel
✓ Release Date : December 31st, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : Mostofa Sarwar Farooki
✓ Companies : Chabial, Jaaz Multimedia, GreenTouch Entertainment, Tandem Pictures
✓ Countries : Bangladesh, Germany, India
✓ Cast : Nusrat Imroz Tisha, Selina Black, Nader Chowdhury, Zahid Hasan, Eyad Hourani, Parambrata Chatterjee, Intekhab Dinar, Iresh Zaker, Mamunur Rashid, Ellie Poussot

Synopsis of Saturday Afternoon (2019)

An unprecedented terrorist attack takes place in a peaceful café in the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, on a nice Saturday afternoon. The terrorists use religion to divide and to kill people, while the surviving hostages, all of them also Muslims, try to defend their own humanistic values. The film unravels the clashes and contradictions of religion, ideology, and civilizations through a terror drama shot in a single take.

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Well, Saturday Afternoon (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Saturday Afternoon (2019) itselft directed by Mostofa Sarwar Farooki and Starring by Nusrat Imroz Tisha, Selina Black, Nader Chowdhury, Zahid Hasan, Eyad Hourani, Parambrata Chatterjee, Intekhab Dinar, Iresh Zaker, Mamunur Rashid, Ellie Poussot which made Saturday Afternoon (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Saturday Afternoon (2019)

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