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@Ver Pelicula ( The Heart Is a Dark Forest 2007 ) Online 1080p Subtitulada Española


Movies Detail of The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007)

✓ Title : The Heart Is a Dark Forest
✓ Original Title : Das Herz ist ein dunkler Wald
✓ Release Date : December 27th, 2007
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Nicolette Krebitz
✓ Writer : Nicolette Krebitz
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Otto Sander, Simon Schwarz, Nina Hoss, Franziska Petri, Monica Bleibtreu, Marc Hosemann, Günther Maria Halmer, Jasper Vogt, Devid Striesow, Max Herbrechter

Synopsis of The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007)

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Well, The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007) itselft directed by Nicolette Krebitz and Starring by Otto Sander, Simon Schwarz, Nina Hoss, Franziska Petri, Monica Bleibtreu, Marc Hosemann, Günther Maria Halmer, Jasper Vogt, Devid Striesow, Max Herbrechter which made The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Heart Is a Dark Forest (2007)

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27 Dec 2007 #Germany