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Le polygraphe 1996 complet villain

Movies Detail of Le polygraphe (1996)

✓ Title : Le polygraphe
✓ Release Date : May 26th, 1996
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Robert Lepage
✓ Writers : Robert Lepage, Marie Brassard, Michael MacKenzie, Patrick Goyette
✓ Cast : Nancy Bernier, Richard Fréchette, James Hyndman, Lynda Lepage Beaulieu, Marie-Christine Lê Huu, Peter Stormare, Maria de Medeiros, Patrick Goyette, Josée Deschênes, Marie Brassard

Synopsis of Le polygraphe (1996)

In this French Canadian thriller, an actress wins the role of a murder victim in a film based on the true story of an unsolved crime. She discovers her neighbor was the lover of the woman who was murdered in real life -- and is still a suspect.

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Well, Le polygraphe (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Le polygraphe (1996) itselft directed by Robert Lepage and Starring by Nancy Bernier, Richard Fréchette, James Hyndman, Lynda Lepage Beaulieu, Marie-Christine Lê Huu, Peter Stormare, Maria de Medeiros, Patrick Goyette, Josée Deschênes, Marie Brassard which made Le polygraphe (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Le polygraphe (1996)

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26 May 1996 #