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Full! Watch Walk on Water (2004) Online Full Movie Free


Movies Detail of Walk on Water (2004)

✓ Title : Walk on Water
✓ Original Title : LaLehet Al HaMayim
✓ Release Date : February 5th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Eytan Fox
✓ Writer : Gal Uchovsky
✓ Companies : Lama Films, United King Films
✓ Countries : Israel, Sweden
✓ Cast : Lior Ashkenazi, Knut Berger, Caroline Peters, Carola Regnier, Ernest Lenart, Hanns Zischler, Gideon Shemer

Synopsis of Walk on Water (2004)

Eyal, an Israeli Mossad agent, is given the mission to track down and kill the very old Alfred Himmelman, an ex-Nazi officer, who might still be alive. Pretending to be a tourist guide, he befriends his grandson Axel, in Israel to visit his sister Pia. The two men set out on a tour of the country during which, Axel challenges Eyal's values.

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Well, Walk on Water (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Walk on Water (2004) itselft directed by Eytan Fox and Starring by Lior Ashkenazi, Knut Berger, Caroline Peters, Carola Regnier, Ernest Lenart, Hanns Zischler, Gideon Shemer which made Walk on Water (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Walk on Water (2004)

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