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Movies Detail of Monolith (2016)

✓ Title : Monolith
✓ Release Date : May 12th, 2016
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Directors : Ivan Silvestrini, Carol A. Compton, Darren Chase, Daniel Aspromonte
✓ Writers : Stefano Sardo, Ivan Silvestrini, Elena Bucaccio, Roberto Recchioni, Roberto Recchioni, Mauro Uzzeo
✓ Companies : Sky Italia, Picturesque Films, Frame by Frame, Lock & Valentine, Vision Distribution
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Damon Dayoub, Lauren McKnight, Justine Wachsberger, Ashley Madekwe, Jay Hayden, Nixon Hodges, Andrea Ellsworth, Crew Hodges, Katrina Bowden, Brandon Jones

Synopsis of Monolith (2016)

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.

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Well, Monolith (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Monolith (2016) itselft directed by Ivan Silvestrini, Carol A. Compton, Darren Chase, Daniel Aspromonte and Starring by Damon Dayoub, Lauren McKnight, Justine Wachsberger, Ashley Madekwe, Jay Hayden, Nixon Hodges, Andrea Ellsworth, Crew Hodges, Katrina Bowden, Brandon Jones which made Monolith (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Monolith (2016)

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