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La Brune et moi 1981 123complets

Movies Detail of La Brune et moi (1981)

✓ Title : La Brune et moi
✓ Release Date : April 29th, 1981
✓ Runtime : 53 minutes
✓ Director : Philippe Puicouyoul
✓ Cast : Pierre Clémenti

Synopsis of La Brune et moi (1981)

A rich business man falls for a young girl and vows to fulfill her dream of becoming a punk rock star.

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Well, La Brune et moi (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La Brune et moi (1981) itselft directed by Philippe Puicouyoul and Starring by Pierre Clémenti which made La Brune et moi (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La Brune et moi (1981)

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29 Apr 1981 #