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Voir Diary of a Co-Worker 2005 Film complet with français subtitles


Movies Detail of Diary of a Co-Worker (2005)

✓ Title : Diary of a Co-Worker
✓ Release Date : April 17th, 2005
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Directors : Matthew McLaughlin, Amanda McLaughlin
✓ Writer : Matthew McLaughlin
✓ Companies : Chien Dans La Boîte Productions, Pancake Productions Inc., J. Mehrle Enterprises
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Ingrid Krein, Kevin Stroup, Dick Mintzlaff, Robert Severson, Charles Evans, April Brooks, Paul Faur, Brendan McMullan, Mort Burke, Stephanie Raven

Synopsis of Diary of a Co-Worker (2005)

DIARY OF A CO-WORKER is a 2005 feature film created in Saint Louis, Missouri, and largely shot on-location at the historic Hi-Pointe Theatre. An exploration of the adversity faced from all sides as a part of service-industry jobs, it follows the exploits of Morrison (Mort Burke, THE MINDY PROJECT, DRUNK HISTORY) as he navigates co-workers, bosses, and the general public among the daily tasks of movie theatre maintenance and his own sense of self-identity. DIARY OF A CO-WORKER was written and directed by Matt McLaughlin, features music by Kevin Buckley, and has a running time of 91 minutes. Viewer discretion is advised (for strong language and depictions of drug use)

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Well, Diary of a Co-Worker (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Diary of a Co-Worker (2005) itselft directed by Matthew McLaughlin, Amanda McLaughlin and Starring by Ingrid Krein, Kevin Stroup, Dick Mintzlaff, Robert Severson, Charles Evans, April Brooks, Paul Faur, Brendan McMullan, Mort Burke, Stephanie Raven which made Diary of a Co-Worker (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Diary of a Co-Worker (2005)

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17 Apr 2005 #United States of America