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Mira.HD-)) Taxi Blues ~ (1990) película completa en español


Movies Detail of Taxi Blues (1990)

✓ Title : Taxi Blues
✓ Original Title : Такси-блюз
✓ Release Date : May 11th, 1990
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Pavel Lungin
✓ Writer : Pavel Lungin
✓ Companies : La Sept Cinéma, ASK Eurofilm, CNC
✓ Countries : France, Russia
✓ Cast : Sergey Gazarov, Pyotr Mamonov, Igor Zolotovitsky, Vladimir Kashpur, Pyotr Zaychenko, Natalya Kolyakanova, Sergey Galkin, Vladimir Sterzhakov, Elena Safonova

Synopsis of Taxi Blues (1990)

Ivan is old Russia: thick, dour, hard-working, often brutish; he misses Communism. He drives a taxi and one night meets Alexi, a new Russian, a musician, an alcoholic, irresponsible. Alexi stiffs Ivan for the fare, so Ivan tracks him down and a love-hate relationship ensues. When Alexi lets the bath water run over in Ivan's flat and Ivan must pay 500 rubles for repairs, he tries to force Alexi into day labor to repay him. It's hopeless. Then, suddenly, Alexi is discovered, goes on a jazz tour of America, becomes a celebrity, and returns in triumph. Ivan longs to renew the friendship, and it looks as if he may get what he wants.

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Well, Taxi Blues (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Taxi Blues (1990) itselft directed by Pavel Lungin and Starring by Sergey Gazarov, Pyotr Mamonov, Igor Zolotovitsky, Vladimir Kashpur, Pyotr Zaychenko, Natalya Kolyakanova, Sergey Galkin, Vladimir Sterzhakov, Elena Safonova which made Taxi Blues (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Taxi Blues (1990)

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11 May 1990 #Russia