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Movies Detail of Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012)

✓ Title : Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter
✓ Original Title : Hamilton 2 - Men inte om det gäller din dotter
✓ Release Date : September 7th, 2012
✓ Genres : Action, Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Directors : Tobias Falk, Pontus Klänge, Caroline Johansson, Niklas Siöström
✓ Writers : Jan Guillou, Stefan Thunberg, Lisa Dahlberg, Guiseppe Cristiano
✓ Companies : Pampas Produktion, Kanzaman, TV4
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Lennart Hjulström, Mikael Persbrandt, Cal Macaninch, John Light, Frida Hallgren, Reuben Sallmander, Peter Eggers, Steven Waddington, Nadja Christiansson, Saba Mubarak

Synopsis of Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012)

Swedish intelligence officer Carl Hamilton's 7-year-old goddaughter Nathalie is kidnapped. When the kidnapping's underlying motive becomes known, the Swedish authorities assume a passive role, forcing Hamilton to action. With the help of international contacts, Hamilton manages to get them on track. Hamilton, along with some military colleagues, plans a daring rescue mission.

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Well, Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012) itselft directed by Tobias Falk, Pontus Klänge, Caroline Johansson, Niklas Siöström and Starring by Lennart Hjulström, Mikael Persbrandt, Cal Macaninch, John Light, Frida Hallgren, Reuben Sallmander, Peter Eggers, Steven Waddington, Nadja Christiansson, Saba Mubarak which made Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hamilton 2: But Not if it Concerns Your Daughter (2012)

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7 Sep 2012 #Sweden