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Movies Detail of Stray Bullet (1999)

✓ Title : Stray Bullet
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1999
✓ Director : Rob Spera
✓ Cast : Fred Dryer, Ian Beattie, Robert Carradine, Rebecca Staab

Synopsis of Stray Bullet (1999)

A charming woman in trouble entices a lawyer to pose as her husband which leads to him being framed for murder.

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Well, Stray Bullet (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Stray Bullet (1999) itselft directed by Rob Spera and Starring by Fred Dryer, Ian Beattie, Robert Carradine, Rebecca Staab which made Stray Bullet (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Stray Bullet (1999)

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1 Jan 1999 #