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Movies Detail of Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982)

✓ Title : Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa
✓ Release Date : February 12th, 1982
✓ Director : Mino Guerrini
✓ Writer : Mino Guerrini
✓ Cast : Jack La Cayenne, Little Tony, Sebastiano Somma, Edoardo Vianello, Olimpia Di Nardo, Gianni Agus, Orsetta Gregoretti, Peppino Di Capri, Alessandro Freyberger, Claudia Vegliante

Synopsis of Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982)

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Well, Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982) itselft directed by Mino Guerrini and Starring by Jack La Cayenne, Little Tony, Sebastiano Somma, Edoardo Vianello, Olimpia Di Nardo, Gianni Agus, Orsetta Gregoretti, Peppino Di Capri, Alessandro Freyberger, Claudia Vegliante which made Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa (1982)

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12 Feb 1982 #