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VER- [CL]-The Mountain `2019` Pelicula Completa En Chilena [~1080p~]


Movies Detail of The Mountain (2019)

✓ Title : The Mountain
✓ Release Date : June 26th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Directors : Rick Alverson, Lain Kienzle
✓ Writers : Dustin Guy Defa, Rick Alverson, Colm O'Leary
✓ Companies : The Match Factory, 30WEST, VICE Media
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Hannah Gross, Alyssa Bresnahan, Tye Sheridan, Denis Lavant, Eléonore Hendricks, Udo Kier, Margot Klein, Jeff Goldblum, Larry Fessenden, Annemarie Lawless

Synopsis of The Mountain (2019)

1950s America. Since his mother‘s confinement to an institution, Andy has lived in the shadow of his stoic father. A family acquaintance, Dr. Wallace Fiennes, employs the introverted young man as a photographer to document an asylum tour advocating for his increasingly controversial lobotomy procedure.

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Well, The Mountain (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Mountain (2019) itselft directed by Rick Alverson, Lain Kienzle and Starring by Hannah Gross, Alyssa Bresnahan, Tye Sheridan, Denis Lavant, Eléonore Hendricks, Udo Kier, Margot Klein, Jeff Goldblum, Larry Fessenden, Annemarie Lawless which made The Mountain (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Mountain (2019)

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26 Jun 2019 #United States of America