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Monsoon Wedding 2001 Film complet 1080p


Movies Detail of Monsoon Wedding (2001)

✓ Title : Monsoon Wedding
✓ Release Date : August 30th, 2001
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 114 minutes
✓ Director : Mira Nair
✓ Writer : Sabrina Dhawan
✓ Companies : IFC Films, Mirabai Films
✓ Country : India
✓ Cast : Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Raaz, Sameer Arya, Lillete Dubey, Parvin Dabas, Neha Dubey, Ishaan Nair, Tillotama Shome, Kemaya Kidwai, Vasundhara Das

Synopsis of Monsoon Wedding (2001)

As the romantic monsoon rains loom, the extended Verma family reunites from around the globe for a last-minute arranged marriage in New Delhi. This film traces five intersecting stories, each navigating different aspects of love as they cross boundaries of class, continent and morality.

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Well, Monsoon Wedding (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Monsoon Wedding (2001) itselft directed by Mira Nair and Starring by Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Raaz, Sameer Arya, Lillete Dubey, Parvin Dabas, Neha Dubey, Ishaan Nair, Tillotama Shome, Kemaya Kidwai, Vasundhara Das which made Monsoon Wedding (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Monsoon Wedding (2001)

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