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Se mi vuoi bene 2019 Film complet you tube


Movies Detail of Se mi vuoi bene (2019)

✓ Title : Se mi vuoi bene
✓ Release Date : October 17th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Fausto Brizzi
✓ Writers : Fausto Brizzi, Fausto Brizzi, Herbert Simone Paragnani, Martino Coli, Mauro Uzzeo
✓ Companies : Eliseo Cinema, Medusa Film
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Claudio Bisio, Lucia Ocone, Sergio Rubini, Elena Santarelli, Susy Laude, Flavio Insinna, Lorena Cacciatore, Dino Abbrescia, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Nancy Brilli

Synopsis of Se mi vuoi bene (2019)

Diego (Claudio Bisio), a successful lawyer with a beautiful depression in progress, plays the role of a good bungling Samaritan who, wanting to do good to his loved ones, ends up devastating the lives of each one of them. So after a failed attempt at suicide he meets Massimiliano (Sergio Rubini), owner of an eccentric Chiacchiere shop. It's just chatting with Massimiliano that Diego understands the solution to get out of his emotional swamp: do good to all his loved ones. Diego surgically identifies the problems he thinks afflict his mother, his father, his brother, his daughter, his friends, even his ex-wife and, with the precision of a blindfolded sniper, ends up ruining his existence for each of them.

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Well, Se mi vuoi bene (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Se mi vuoi bene (2019) itselft directed by Fausto Brizzi and Starring by Claudio Bisio, Lucia Ocone, Sergio Rubini, Elena Santarelli, Susy Laude, Flavio Insinna, Lorena Cacciatore, Dino Abbrescia, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Nancy Brilli which made Se mi vuoi bene (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Se mi vuoi bene (2019)

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