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Download Call Me Elisabeth Full Movie Free 1080p


Movies Detail of Call Me Elisabeth (2006)

✓ Title : Call Me Elisabeth
✓ Original Title : Je m'appelle Elisabeth
✓ Release Date : November 15th, 2006
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Jean-Pierre Améris
✓ Writers : Guillaume Laurant, Anne Wiazemsky, Jean-Pierre Améris
✓ Companies : France 3 Cinéma, Pyramide Productions
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Maria de Medeiros, Yolande Moreau, Daniel Znyk, Lauriane Sire, Benjamin Ramon, Stéphane Freiss, Alba Gaïa Bellugi

Synopsis of Call Me Elisabeth (2006)

A 10 year old girl lives in post WWII rural France with her parents, who are about to divorce. Her older sister leaves home to finish school, and the young girl is left with a mysterious, almost silent housekeeper. Being afraid of the dark, and of other "phenomenoms" including a haunted château nearby, she curiously accepts a stranger she finds in her mansion's barn. This fact contradicts her fearful nature, but fulfills her loneliness. The stranger has run away from a nearby psychiatric clinic, where her father was treating the stranger. She hides the stranger, protects him, and he becomes her best friend. Is this girl searching for true companionship, coming of age, or is she asserting her independence for the first time in her short life?

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Well, Call Me Elisabeth (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Call Me Elisabeth (2006) itselft directed by Jean-Pierre Améris and Starring by Maria de Medeiros, Yolande Moreau, Daniel Znyk, Lauriane Sire, Benjamin Ramon, Stéphane Freiss, Alba Gaïa Bellugi which made Call Me Elisabeth (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Call Me Elisabeth (2006)

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15 Nov 2006 #France