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Movies Detail of My Husband's Double Life (2018)

✓ Title : My Husband's Double Life
✓ Release Date : August 18th, 2018
✓ Genres : TV Movie, Drama
✓ Director : Jonathan English
✓ Writer : Jenny Paul
✓ Cast : Dragan Mićanović, Anja Mit, Tamara Aleksić, Jakov Jevtović, Tijana Upčev, Ksenija Tomović, Katarina Korsa, Chloe Sweetlove, Daniel Lapaine, Amy Nuttall

Synopsis of My Husband's Double Life (2018)

When Sabrina suspects her husband Fletcher's possible infidelity with his numerous business trips to Paris, she discovers he has another wife and reveals illegal business dealings with his father-in-law, which he will stop at nothing to protect. Now it's not only her marriage that's on the line, but her life.

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Well, My Husband's Double Life (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Husband's Double Life (2018) itselft directed by Jonathan English and Starring by Dragan Mićanović, Anja Mit, Tamara Aleksić, Jakov Jevtović, Tijana Upčev, Ksenija Tomović, Katarina Korsa, Chloe Sweetlove, Daniel Lapaine, Amy Nuttall which made My Husband's Double Life (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Husband's Double Life (2018)

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18 Aug 2018 #