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Movies Detail of Roam Rome Mein (2019)

✓ Title : Roam Rome Mein
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2019
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Director : Tannishtha Chatterjee
✓ Countries : Italy, India
✓ Cast : Tannishtha Chatterjee, Valentina Corti, Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Synopsis of Roam Rome Mein (2019)

Raj goes to Rome looking for his missing sister Reena. Through the search he discovers the real Reena, things that he never knew about her. He also meets a few magical characters who make him realize who Raj actually is as well.

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Well, Roam Rome Mein (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Roam Rome Mein (2019) itselft directed by Tannishtha Chatterjee and Starring by Tannishtha Chatterjee, Valentina Corti, Nawazuddin Siddiqui which made Roam Rome Mein (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Roam Rome Mein (2019)

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