Movies Detail of Project Shadowchaser II (1994)
✓ Title : Project Shadowchaser II
✓ Release Date : May 14th, 1994
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Action
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : John Eyres
✓ Writer : Nick Davis
✓ Companies : Nu Image, EGM Film International
✓ Countries : United States of America, South Africa
✓ Cast : Todd Jensen, Gavin Hood, Frank Zagarino, Danny Keogh, Jeff Fannell, Daniel Bonjour, Beth Toussaint, Bryan Genesse, Hal Orlandini, Kimberleigh Stark
Synopsis of Project Shadowchaser II (1994)
Terrorists led by an android take over a nuclear plant and threaten to launch a missile at Washington. While the authorities desperately attempt to negotiate, the terrorists persue their real goal. A plant worker, her son and a tough-guy repair man have other ideas, and attempt to stop the terrorists from inside the plant.
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Well, Project Shadowchaser II (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Project Shadowchaser II (1994) itselft directed by John Eyres and Starring by Todd Jensen, Gavin Hood, Frank Zagarino, Danny Keogh, Jeff Fannell, Daniel Bonjour, Beth Toussaint, Bryan Genesse, Hal Orlandini, Kimberleigh Stark which made Project Shadowchaser II (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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