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Movies Detail of Parking (2019)

✓ Title : Parking
✓ Release Date : June 14th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Tudor Giurgiu
✓ Writers : Tudor Giurgiu, Marin Mălaicu-Hondrari
✓ Companies : Cercanias AIE, La Claqueta, Evolution Films, Libra Film, Tito Clint Movies
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Romania, Spain
✓ Cast : Valentin Popescu, Mihai Smarandache, Luis Bermejo, Belén Cuesta, Paul Cimpoieru, Carmen Florescu, Emilian Oprea, Ariadna Gil, Eric Francés, Fülöp Erzsébet

Synopsis of Parking (2019)

Adrian is a young poet who decides to leave Romania and go live to Spain. He wants to change his life, earn some money and learn Spanish. Upon arriving in Cordoba, he works at a car dealership that sells both old and new cars. During the day he hides in a small caravan in the parking lot of the car dealership. One day, Adrian finds a package with a CD and poster for a tour of one flamenco / jazz band. He is enchanted by the music and by the picture of Maria, who plays a bass guitar in the band. They both meet after a concert on the beach, where they begin their relationship full of passion, problems and surprises.

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Well, Parking (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Parking (2019) itselft directed by Tudor Giurgiu and Starring by Valentin Popescu, Mihai Smarandache, Luis Bermejo, Belén Cuesta, Paul Cimpoieru, Carmen Florescu, Emilian Oprea, Ariadna Gil, Eric Francés, Fülöp Erzsébet which made Parking (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Parking (2019)

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