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Black's Game 2012 WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO


Movies Detail of Black's Game (2012)

✓ Title : Black's Game
✓ Original Title : Svartur á leik
✓ Release Date : March 11th, 2012
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Directors : Sindri Páll Kjartansson, Óskar Thór Axelsson, Sandra Steinþórsdóttir, Sævar Sigurðsson
✓ Writers : Óskar Thór Axelsson, Stefán Máni
✓ Companies : Filmus Productions, Zik Zak Filmworks
✓ Country : Iceland
✓ Cast : Vignir Rafn Valþórsson, Björn Jörundur Friðbjörnsson, Thor Kristjansson, Damon Younger, Ísak Hinriksson, Egill Einarsson, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Andri Már Birgisson, María Birta

Synopsis of Black's Game (2012)

In the mid to late '90s, the Reykjavik crime and drug scene saw a drastic change from a relatively small and innocent world into a much more aggressive and violent one.. The film tells the story of this change through the fictional gang of pushers that took control of Iceland's underworld.

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Well, Black's Game (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Black's Game (2012) itselft directed by Sindri Páll Kjartansson, Óskar Thór Axelsson, Sandra Steinþórsdóttir, Sævar Sigurðsson and Starring by Vignir Rafn Valþórsson, Björn Jörundur Friðbjörnsson, Thor Kristjansson, Damon Younger, Ísak Hinriksson, Egill Einarsson, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Andri Már Birgisson, María Birta which made Black's Game (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Black's Game (2012)

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11 Mar 2012 #Iceland