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[PELIS ONLINE] ~ Ver Dribbling Fate Pelicula Completa Latino [1998]


Movies Detail of Dribbling Fate (1998)

✓ Title : Dribbling Fate
✓ Original Title : Fintar o Destino
✓ Release Date : August 14th, 1998
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 77 minutes
✓ Director : Fernando Vendrell
✓ Writers : Fernando Vendrell, Carla Baptista
✓ Companies : I.C.Cinema- Cape Verde, David & Golias, ACT
✓ Countries : Portugal, Cape Verde
✓ Cast : Diogo Dória, Benita Lopes, Paulo Miranda, Carlos Rodrigues, Horácio Santos, Figueira Cid, Daniel Martinho, Silvia Rizzo, Rita Loureiro, Carlos Germano

Synopsis of Dribbling Fate (1998)

Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.

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Well, Dribbling Fate (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dribbling Fate (1998) itselft directed by Fernando Vendrell and Starring by Diogo Dória, Benita Lopes, Paulo Miranda, Carlos Rodrigues, Horácio Santos, Figueira Cid, Daniel Martinho, Silvia Rizzo, Rita Loureiro, Carlos Germano which made Dribbling Fate (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dribbling Fate (1998)

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14 Aug 1998 #Cape Verde