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Streaming Survival of the Dead 2010 Bluray x264 YIFY


Movies Detail of Survival of the Dead (2010)

✓ Title : Survival of the Dead
✓ Release Date : May 6th, 2010
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : George A. Romero, Patricia Joyes, R. Emerson John
✓ Writer : George A. Romero
✓ Companies : Blank of the Dead Productions, Devonshire Productions, New Romero, Sudden Storm Productions
✓ Countries : Canada, United States of America
✓ Cast : Julian Richings, Kenneth Welsh, Alan van Sprang, Devon Bostick, John Migliore, Athena Karkanis, Stefano DiMatteo, Richard Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Munroe

Synopsis of Survival of the Dead (2010)

On an island off the coast of North America, local residents simultaneously fight a zombie epidemic while hoping for a cure to return their un-dead relatives back to their human state.

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Well, Survival of the Dead (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Survival of the Dead (2010) itselft directed by George A. Romero, Patricia Joyes, R. Emerson John and Starring by Julian Richings, Kenneth Welsh, Alan van Sprang, Devon Bostick, John Migliore, Athena Karkanis, Stefano DiMatteo, Richard Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Munroe which made Survival of the Dead (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Survival of the Dead (2010)

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6 May 2010 #United States of America