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Movies Detail of Mister America (2019)

✓ Title : Mister America
✓ Release Date : October 9th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Eric Notarnicola
✓ Writers : Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim, Eric Notarnicola
✓ Companies : Abso Lutely Productions, Magnolia Pictures, Williams Street
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Alessandro Serradimigni, Terri Parks, Gregg Turkington, Don Pecchia, Curtis Webster, Manuel Giusti, Tim Heidecker, Mark Proksch, Joe Estevez, Inger Tudor

Synopsis of Mister America (2019)

Heidecker beats a murder charge for selling faulty e-cigarettes at an EDM festival, and mounts a campaign to unseat the San Bernardino District Attorney. His effort to win voters tries to overcome a lack of experience and funding by leaning into the candidate’s personal likability. It does not go well.

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Well, Mister America (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mister America (2019) itselft directed by Eric Notarnicola and Starring by Alessandro Serradimigni, Terri Parks, Gregg Turkington, Don Pecchia, Curtis Webster, Manuel Giusti, Tim Heidecker, Mark Proksch, Joe Estevez, Inger Tudor which made Mister America (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mister America (2019)

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9 Oct 2019 #United States of America