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Empty 2011 Film complet 123complets français

Science Fiction

Movies Detail of Empty (2011)

✓ Title : Empty
✓ Release Date : January 25th, 2011
✓ Genres : Drama, Horror, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : C.S. Drury
✓ Writers : C.S. Drury, Aaron Gorvine
✓ Cast : Peter Alexandrou, Ronald Thomas, John Woodruff, Barry McBrien, Kent R. Williams, Ashley C. Williams, Jon Carlo

Synopsis of Empty (2011)

A suspenseful drama about a young couple on a road trip who get caught in the midst of a worldwide gas shortage.

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Well, Empty (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Empty (2011) itselft directed by C.S. Drury and Starring by Peter Alexandrou, Ronald Thomas, John Woodruff, Barry McBrien, Kent R. Williams, Ashley C. Williams, Jon Carlo which made Empty (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Empty (2011)

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25 Jan 2011 #