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Download Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020) Full Movie ~Online


Movies Detail of Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020)

✓ Title : Leif in Concert - Vol.2​
✓ Release Date : July 16th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 109 minutes
✓ Director : Christian Klandt
✓ Writer : Christian Klandt
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Klaus Manchen, Florian Bartholomäi, Jule Böwe, Michael Specht, Godehard Giese, Katharina Matz, Luise Heyer, Gerdy Zint, Michael Klammer

Synopsis of Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020)

It's Lene's first day back at work after some time off. Friends and acquaintances, regulars and strangers come to her jazz and blues bar. While Lene is waiting for Danish musician Leif, who is scheduled to perform tonight, the guests discuss all kinds of topics, ranging from pop music by elves and invisible cell phones to maggots eating away at corpses. But what if Leif doesn't show up at all?

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Well, Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020) itselft directed by Christian Klandt and Starring by Klaus Manchen, Florian Bartholomäi, Jule Böwe, Michael Specht, Godehard Giese, Katharina Matz, Luise Heyer, Gerdy Zint, Michael Klammer which made Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Leif in Concert - Vol.2​ (2020)

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16 Jul 2020 #Germany