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Movies Detail of Happy Family (2006)

✓ Title : Happy Family
✓ Original Title : 'N Beetje Verliefd
✓ Release Date : December 14th, 2006
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : Martin Koolhoven
✓ Writer : Maarten Lebens
✓ Companies : Max TV, Revolver Film, Waterland Film
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Fatma Genç, Sadik Eksi, Sabri Saad El-Hamus, Plien van Bennekom, Geert de Jong, Ad van Kempen, Frieda Pittoors, Yes-R, Luk D'Heu, Tjitske Reidinga

Synopsis of Happy Family (2006)

Thijs is a ripe-age Dutch tomato grower. His adult daughters plan to have him move in a skyscraper-flat, leaving home and professional life, but he takes his adolescent (half-)Moroccon grandson Omar's advice to refuse and keep living. Thijs even lets the cheerful rascal coach his love-life, which lands him on a blind date with Jacky, an energetic Flemish woman, who won't take no for an answer but turns up at his door-step till he consents, and soon drags him into evening life, preparing for a dance contest. Soon after Omar turns up, listless and lazier then ever, runaway from school and home. The obvious reason for the horny hound's hanging head is a girl: Mergal is foxy, Turkish and as smitten as he, but her burly big brother Erhan will only allow a boy to go steady with her who has proven himself his better on the field in the traditional manly sport of oil-wrestling. Now Thijs...

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Well, Happy Family (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Happy Family (2006) itselft directed by Martin Koolhoven and Starring by Fatma Genç, Sadik Eksi, Sabri Saad El-Hamus, Plien van Bennekom, Geert de Jong, Ad van Kempen, Frieda Pittoors, Yes-R, Luk D'Heu, Tjitske Reidinga which made Happy Family (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Happy Family (2006)

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14 Dec 2006 #Netherlands