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Esas no son penas 2005 Film complet filmstreaming1


Movies Detail of Esas no son penas (2005)

✓ Title : Esas no son penas
✓ Release Date : January 26th, 2005
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Anahí Hoeneisen, Daniel Andrade
✓ Writers : Anahí Hoeneisen, Daniel Andrade
✓ Company : La Maquinita
✓ Country : Ecuador
✓ Cast : Francisca Romeo, Anahí Hoeneisen, Paquita Troya, Sebastián Burbano, Amaia Merino, Carolina Valencia, Paulino Camacho, Juan Martín Cueva, Nicolás Andrade, Mauricio Samaniego

Synopsis of Esas no son penas (2005)

One day five women from Quito, friends in their teens, decide to get back together after fourteen years. Helena is waiting for her second child, Marina lives the ups and downs of infidelity, Diana, an early widow, shares her loneliness with her 15 year old daughter and Tamara has not abandoned the random life of nightclubs, men and drugs. The purpose of their get-together is to visit their old classmate, Alejandra, who is consumed by an illness.

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Well, Esas no son penas (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Esas no son penas (2005) itselft directed by Anahí Hoeneisen, Daniel Andrade and Starring by Francisca Romeo, Anahí Hoeneisen, Paquita Troya, Sebastián Burbano, Amaia Merino, Carolina Valencia, Paulino Camacho, Juan Martín Cueva, Nicolás Andrade, Mauricio Samaniego which made Esas no son penas (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Esas no son penas (2005)

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26 Jan 2005 #Ecuador