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Regarder Scent of Oranges [Scent of Oranges - 2019] : Film Complet Google.Drive


Movies Detail of Scent of Oranges (2019)

✓ Title : Scent of Oranges
✓ Original Title : Orangentage
✓ Release Date : May 30th, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Ivan Pokorný
✓ Writer : Ivan Pokorný
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia
✓ Cast : Ewa Farna, Emilie Neumeister, Petra Bučková, Stanislav Majer, Steffen Groth, Hana Bartoňova, Leoš Noha, Tomáš Dalecký, Elizaveta Maximová, Eva Sakálová

Synopsis of Scent of Oranges (2019)

In love with a girl that smells of oranges while in a complicated relationship with his father, Darek is gentle, strong and devoted to his little sister and their herd of horses. Darek's world is a story about the joy and pain of growing up in the isolated yet beautiful Lusatian Mountains. Here, horses are not expensive specimens of racing stables but beings you should care for and love. Not even that is enough in life though, as Darek finds out nearing the Summer's end, closing his childhood definitely. However, just like any ending, this is a start of something new.

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Well, Scent of Oranges (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Scent of Oranges (2019) itselft directed by Ivan Pokorný and Starring by Ewa Farna, Emilie Neumeister, Petra Bučková, Stanislav Majer, Steffen Groth, Hana Bartoňova, Leoš Noha, Tomáš Dalecký, Elizaveta Maximová, Eva Sakálová which made Scent of Oranges (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Scent of Oranges (2019)

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30 May 2019 #Slovakia