Movies Detail of Mimosas (2016)
✓ Title : Mimosas
✓ Original Title : ميموزا
✓ Release Date : August 24th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Oliver Laxe
✓ Writers : Oliver Laxe, Santiago Fillol
✓ Companies : Rouge International, Zeitun Films, La Prod
✓ Countries : France, Spain, Morocco
✓ Cast : Ilham Oujri, Shakib Ben Omar, Moe Mohamed Oummad, Margarita Albores, Ahmed El Othemani, Ikram Anzouli, Abdelatif Hwidar, Hamid Fardjad, Ahmed Hammoud, Said Agli
Synopsis of Mimosas (2016)
A caravan escorts an elderly and dying Sheikh through the Moroccan Atlas. His last wish is to be buried with his close ones. But death does not wait. The caravaneers, fearful of the mountain, refuse to continue transporting the corpse. Saïd and Ahmed, two rogues travelling with the caravan, say they know the way and promise to take the corpse to its destiny. In another world, Shakib is chosen to travel to the mountains with a mission: to help the improvised caravaneers.
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Well, Mimosas (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mimosas (2016) itselft directed by Oliver Laxe and Starring by Ilham Oujri, Shakib Ben Omar, Moe Mohamed Oummad, Margarita Albores, Ahmed El Othemani, Ikram Anzouli, Abdelatif Hwidar, Hamid Fardjad, Ahmed Hammoud, Said Agli which made Mimosas (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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