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Lovers on Borders 2017 Film complet Streaming En ligne fcomplets


Movies Detail of Lovers on Borders (2017)

✓ Title : Lovers on Borders
✓ Release Date : December 12th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 138 minutes
✓ Director : Atsushi Funahashi
✓ Writer : Atsushi Funahashi
✓ Companies : Office Kitano, Bando à Parte
✓ Countries : United States of America, Japan, Portugal
✓ Cast : Yûta Nakano, Alex Miranda, Flávio Hamilton, Miguel Monteiro, Valdemar Santos, Tasuko Emoto, Ana Moreira, António Durães

Synopsis of Lovers on Borders (2017)

Double revenge in two separate stories. Set in both a near future and the historical past, revenge is served not by violence, but by love.

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Well, Lovers on Borders (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lovers on Borders (2017) itselft directed by Atsushi Funahashi and Starring by Yûta Nakano, Alex Miranda, Flávio Hamilton, Miguel Monteiro, Valdemar Santos, Tasuko Emoto, Ana Moreira, António Durães which made Lovers on Borders (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lovers on Borders (2017)

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