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Movies Detail of Pendular (2017)

✓ Title : Pendular
✓ Release Date : September 21st, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Julia Murat, Helena Ungaretti, Pedro Salgueiro Telles
✓ Writers : Julia Murat, Matias Mariani, Miguel Machalski
✓ Companies : Syndrome Films, Still Moving, CEPA Audiovisual, Bubbles Project, Primo Filmes, Esquina Filmes, MPM Film, Taiga Filmes
✓ Countries : Germany, Argentina, Brazil, France
✓ Cast : Martina Revollo, Neto Machado, Márcio Vito, Raquel Karro, Rodrigo Bolzan, Renato Linhares, Larissa Siqueira, Valeria Barretta, Carlos Eduardo Santos, Felipe Rocha

Synopsis of Pendular (2017)

The trajectory of a romantic couple of contemporary artists reveals how the limits, contradictions and obsessions of a romantic relationship are reflected in each of their artistic endeavors.

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Well, Pendular (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pendular (2017) itselft directed by Julia Murat, Helena Ungaretti, Pedro Salgueiro Telles and Starring by Martina Revollo, Neto Machado, Márcio Vito, Raquel Karro, Rodrigo Bolzan, Renato Linhares, Larissa Siqueira, Valeria Barretta, Carlos Eduardo Santos, Felipe Rocha which made Pendular (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Pendular (2017)

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