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Movies Detail of X500 (2016)

✓ Title : X500
✓ Original Title : X Quinientos
✓ Release Date : September 10th, 2016
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Andrés Arango Garcia
✓ Writer : Juan Andrés Arango Garcia
✓ Countries : Mexico, Canada, Colombia
✓ Cast : Jemie Almazán, Jonathan Diaz Angulo, Bernardo Garnica Cruz

Synopsis of X500 (2016)

X Quinientos tells the story of Alex, David and Aurora, three people who live in opposite ends of the American continent, but who are connected due to their incapacity to accept mourning and to their need of changing in order to move on with their lives.

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Well, X500 (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The X500 (2016) itselft directed by Juan Andrés Arango Garcia and Starring by Jemie Almazán, Jonathan Diaz Angulo, Bernardo Garnica Cruz which made X500 (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

X500 (2016)

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