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123Movies Mirages (Watch Movies Online) Full Free (2011)


Movies Detail of Mirages (2011)

✓ Title : Mirages
✓ Release Date : January 27th, 2011
✓ Genres : Adventure, Fantasy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Talal Selhami, Stéphane Chaput, Azzedine Riyad
✓ Writers : Talal Selhami, Christophe Mordellet
✓ Cast : Mohamed Aouragh, Laila Fadili, Omar Lotfi, Aïssam Bouali, Karim Saidi, Meryam Raoui, Chaouki El Ofir, Eric Savin, Mohamed Choubi, Mustapha El Houari

Synopsis of Mirages (2011)

Five people with contrasting profiles compete for a position within Matsuika, a multinational corporation recently set up in Morocco. Following an interview with the C.E.O., they are advised to undertake a mysterious test in a secret location. It will determine who will hold the position. All five applicants accept and are led into a distressing bus with no windows. After endless driving, an accident occurs with the candidates trapped in the wreck. Thanks to a joint effort, they manage to evacuate the bus only to find themselves lost in the desert with their driver nowhere to be found. They start to wander, questioning the nature of the accident. Is it part of the test? Despite their will to survive and an urge to find clues, mirages of their most intimate fears begin to haunt them.

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Well, Mirages (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mirages (2011) itselft directed by Talal Selhami, Stéphane Chaput, Azzedine Riyad and Starring by Mohamed Aouragh, Laila Fadili, Omar Lotfi, Aïssam Bouali, Karim Saidi, Meryam Raoui, Chaouki El Ofir, Eric Savin, Mohamed Choubi, Mustapha El Houari which made Mirages (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mirages (2011)

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27 Jan 2011 #