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Streaming Young Goethe in Love 2010 Film complet Streaming En ligne in français


Movies Detail of Young Goethe in Love (2010)

✓ Title : Young Goethe in Love
✓ Original Title : Goethe!
✓ Release Date : October 14th, 2010
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Philipp Stölzl
✓ Writers : Christoph Müller, Philipp Stölzl, Alexander Dydyna
✓ Company : Seven Pictures
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Burghart Klaußner, Alexander Fehling, Moritz Bleibtreu, Anna Böttcher, Henry Hübchen, Stefan Haschke, Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Xaver Hutter

Synopsis of Young Goethe in Love (2010)

After aspiring poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe fails his law exams, he's sent to a sleepy provincial court to reform. Instead, he falls for Lotte, a young woman who is promised to another man.

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Well, Young Goethe in Love (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Young Goethe in Love (2010) itselft directed by Philipp Stölzl and Starring by Burghart Klaußner, Alexander Fehling, Moritz Bleibtreu, Anna Böttcher, Henry Hübchen, Stefan Haschke, Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Xaver Hutter which made Young Goethe in Love (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Young Goethe in Love (2010)

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