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((Mira.HD)) Karnawal película completa en español


Movies Detail of Karnawal (2020)

✓ Title : Karnawal
✓ Release Date : September 9th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Pablo Félix
✓ Writer : Juan Pablo Félix
✓ Company : Bikini Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Norway
✓ Cast : Diego Cremonesi, Mónica Lairana, Martín López Lacci, Alfredo Castro

Synopsis of Karnawal (2020)

Cabra is a rebellious teenager who lives with his mother in the North of Argentina, near the Bolivian border. He dreams of becoming a professional Malambo dancer – the gauchos folkloric tap-dance. While training for his most important dance competition, Cabra receives the unexpected visit from his father, El Corto, a conman who has the permission to leave jail for a few days. El Corto takes Cabra and his mother on a mysterious journey along the roads of northern Argentina, where father and son reconnect. While trying to find out why El Corto is taking them on this trip, Cabra and his mother suddenly find themselves involved in a violent hold-up. Simultaneously on the run and lost in the middle of the desert, Cabra struggles to return in time for his dance contest. Will he get there in time? And will he have to abandon his father to follow his dreams?

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Well, Karnawal (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Karnawal (2020) itselft directed by Juan Pablo Félix and Starring by Diego Cremonesi, Mónica Lairana, Martín López Lacci, Alfredo Castro which made Karnawal (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Karnawal (2020)

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