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Movies Detail of Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992)

✓ Title : Nang gabing mamulat si Eba
✓ Release Date : February 9th, 1992
✓ Genre : Romance
✓ Company : Seiko Films
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Rita Avila, Rina Reyes, Janet Arnaiz, Gardo Versoza, Cristina Gonzales

Synopsis of Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992)

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Well, Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992) itselft directed by and Starring by Rita Avila, Rina Reyes, Janet Arnaiz, Gardo Versoza, Cristina Gonzales which made Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nang gabing mamulat si Eba (1992)

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9 Feb 1992 #Philippines