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[[REGARDER]] Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) Film Complet Streaming VF En Francais


Movies Detail of Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020)

✓ Title : Horse Camp: A Love Tail
✓ Release Date : January 11th, 2020
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Director : Joel Paul Reisig
✓ Writer : George Saunders
✓ Cast : Megan Mockensturm, Jo Ambrosia, Richard Karn, Jason London, Carl Harry Carlson, Teri Lee, Kristin Mellian, Courtne Alyssa Moran, Kristen Ryda, Rachel Sowers

Synopsis of Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020)

It’s a new year at summer horse-riding camp but everything is different this time—a new head counselor, new friends to make, and to spice things up, the ranch hand (Richard Karn) has a crush on the head riding instructor (Terri Lee)! When he is too nervous to reveal his feelings, the campers put competition aside and rally together to help him win over her heart while building friendships that will last a lifetime.

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Well, Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) itselft directed by Joel Paul Reisig and Starring by Megan Mockensturm, Jo Ambrosia, Richard Karn, Jason London, Carl Harry Carlson, Teri Lee, Kristin Mellian, Courtne Alyssa Moran, Kristen Ryda, Rachel Sowers which made Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020)

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11 Jan 2020 #