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Movies Detail of The Best Intentions (1992)

✓ Title : The Best Intentions
✓ Original Title : Den goda viljan
✓ Release Date : May 24th, 1992
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 182 minutes
✓ Directors : Bille August, Stefan Baron
✓ Writer : Ingmar Bergman
✓ Company : SVT
✓ Countries : Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway
✓ Cast : Max von Sydow, Samuel Fröler, Mona Malm, Lena Endre, Pernilla August, Börje Ahlstedt, Keve Hjelm, Lennart Hjulström, Björn Kjellman, Ghita Nørby

Synopsis of The Best Intentions (1992)

The story of Ingmar Bergman's parents. In 1909, poor theology student Henrik Bergman falls in love with Anna Åkerbloom, the daughter of a rich family in Uppsala. After their wedding Henrik becomes a priest in the north of Sweden. After a few years Anna can't stand living in the rural county with the uncouth people. She returns to Uppsala, Henrik stays in the north.

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Well, The Best Intentions (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Best Intentions (1992) itselft directed by Bille August, Stefan Baron and Starring by Max von Sydow, Samuel Fröler, Mona Malm, Lena Endre, Pernilla August, Börje Ahlstedt, Keve Hjelm, Lennart Hjulström, Björn Kjellman, Ghita Nørby which made The Best Intentions (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Best Intentions (1992)

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