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Jimmy Hollywood 1994 Film Film complet


Movies Detail of Jimmy Hollywood (1994)

✓ Title : Jimmy Hollywood
✓ Release Date : March 30th, 1994
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Director : Barry Levinson
✓ Writer : Barry Levinson
✓ Companies : Baltimore Pictures, Paramount
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : John Cothran, Jr., Barry Levinson, Joe Pesci, Victoria Abril, Robert LaSardo, Jason Beghe, Jerry Dunphy, Harrison Ford, Christian Slater, Richard Kind

Synopsis of Jimmy Hollywood (1994)

Jimmy Alto is an actor wannabe who stumbles into the role of a lifetime. He becomes a vigilante crime-fighter, aided by his sidekick William, who has suffered a head wound and has problems with short-term memory. Jimmy's vigilante alter ego soon becomes a media wonder--but Jimmy remains a total unknown and his long-suffering girl friend Lorraine is getting fed up with the whole situation.

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Well, Jimmy Hollywood (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Jimmy Hollywood (1994) itselft directed by Barry Levinson and Starring by John Cothran, Jr., Barry Levinson, Joe Pesci, Victoria Abril, Robert LaSardo, Jason Beghe, Jerry Dunphy, Harrison Ford, Christian Slater, Richard Kind which made Jimmy Hollywood (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Jimmy Hollywood (1994)

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30 Mar 1994 #United States of America