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The Motorcycle Diaries 2004 Film complet Streaming En ligne in français


Movies Detail of The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

✓ Title : The Motorcycle Diaries
✓ Original Title : Diarios de motocicleta
✓ Release Date : February 6th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 126 minutes
✓ Directors : Walter Salles, Julia Solomonoff, Márcia Faria, Federico Berón
✓ Writers : José Rivera, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
✓ Companies : Senator Film, Wildwood Enterprises, Sound for Film, Inca Films S.A., Film4 Productions, BD Cine, Tu Vas Voir Productions, Sahara Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Peru, United Kingdom, United States of America
✓ Cast : Gael García Bernal, Jean Pierre Noher, Mía Maestro, Franco Solazzi, Rodrigo de la Serna, Ricardo Díaz Mourelle, Lucas Oro, Sofia Bertolotto, Mercedes Morán, Marina Glezer

Synopsis of The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Based on the journals of Che Guevara, leader of the Cuban Revolution. In his memoirs, Guevara recounts adventures he and best friend Alberto Granado had while crossing South America by motorcycle in the early 1950s.

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Well, The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) itselft directed by Walter Salles, Julia Solomonoff, Márcia Faria, Federico Berón and Starring by Gael García Bernal, Jean Pierre Noher, Mía Maestro, Franco Solazzi, Rodrigo de la Serna, Ricardo Díaz Mourelle, Lucas Oro, Sofia Bertolotto, Mercedes Morán, Marina Glezer which made The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

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6 Feb 2004 #United States of America