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Movies Detail of Angels of Death (1993)

✓ Title : Angels of Death
✓ Original Title : Ангелы смерти
✓ Release Date : June 6th, 1993
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance, War
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Yuri Ozerov
✓ Writer : Yuri Ozerov
✓ Companies : Ganemfilm, Mosfilm
✓ Country : Russia
✓ Cast : Yekaterina Strizhenova, Archil Gomiashvili, Sergey Nikonenko, Boris Nevzorov, Yuri Kuzmenko, Liubomiras Laucevicius, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Regimantas Adomaitis, Nikolay Kryuchkov

Synopsis of Angels of Death (1993)

A tragic love story set during WWII.

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Well, Angels of Death (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Angels of Death (1993) itselft directed by Yuri Ozerov and Starring by Yekaterina Strizhenova, Archil Gomiashvili, Sergey Nikonenko, Boris Nevzorov, Yuri Kuzmenko, Liubomiras Laucevicius, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Regimantas Adomaitis, Nikolay Kryuchkov which made Angels of Death (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Angels of Death (1993)

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6 Jun 1993 #Russia