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Full! Watch The Refrigerator (1991) Online Full Movie Free


Movies Detail of The Refrigerator (1991)

✓ Title : The Refrigerator
✓ Release Date : January 11th, 1991
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Comedy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Directors : Nicholas Jacobs, Christopher Oldcorn, Chaille Brown, Priscilla Gravenhorst, Rob Hallenbake, Adrienne Tien
✓ Writers : Nicholas Jacobs, Nicholas Jacobs, Philip Dolin, Philip Dolin, Christopher Oldcorn
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Peter Justinus, Alex Trisano, Phyllis Salaberrios, Julia McNeal, Karen Wexler, Dave Simonds, Jaime Rojo, Nena Segal, Michael Beltran, Angel Caban

Synopsis of The Refrigerator (1991)

A couple move into a bad apartment in a bad neighborhood in New York. The apartment contains a refrigerator, which is the only thing they like in the place. However, they slowly discover that the refrigerator is a monster which kills people in gruesome ways and then sends them to hell. The refrigerator is already gaining mind control over the husband. What will happen?

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Well, The Refrigerator (1991) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Refrigerator (1991) itselft directed by Nicholas Jacobs, Christopher Oldcorn, Chaille Brown, Priscilla Gravenhorst, Rob Hallenbake, Adrienne Tien and Starring by Peter Justinus, Alex Trisano, Phyllis Salaberrios, Julia McNeal, Karen Wexler, Dave Simonds, Jaime Rojo, Nena Segal, Michael Beltran, Angel Caban which made The Refrigerator (1991) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Refrigerator (1991)

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11 Jan 1991 #United States of America