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[Cine~Online] The Drownsman Pelicula Completa (2014) En Espanol Latino


Movies Detail of The Drownsman (2014)

✓ Title : The Drownsman
✓ Release Date : August 22nd, 2014
✓ Genres : Horror, Fantasy, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Directors : Chad Archibald, Ryan Port
✓ Writers : Chad Archibald, Cody Calahan, C.F. Benner
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Kelly-Marie Murtha, Sydney Kondruss, Michelle Mylett, Clare Bastable, Gemma Bird Matheson, Katie Nicole Evans, JoAnn Nordstrom, Caroline Palmer, Samuel Borstein, Ry Barrett

Synopsis of The Drownsman (2014)

After almost drowning in a lake, Madison finds herself bound to a life of fear. Unable to describe what happened to her during the moments she was underwater, she begins to develop hydrophobia: an abnormal fear of water. Crippled by her post trauma, Madison attempts to shut out the world but her fear intensifies and she is faced with the vision of a dark figure that haunts her day and night. After watching her struggle for one year with the phobia and visions, Madison's four friends attempt an unconventional intervention in which they accidentally open a floodgate to a dark place where none of them are safe. As Madison and her friends dive deeper into the dark history of this figure that haunts them, it reaches out and begins dragging them to a horrifying place that they can never come back from.

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Well, The Drownsman (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Drownsman (2014) itselft directed by Chad Archibald, Ryan Port and Starring by Kelly-Marie Murtha, Sydney Kondruss, Michelle Mylett, Clare Bastable, Gemma Bird Matheson, Katie Nicole Evans, JoAnn Nordstrom, Caroline Palmer, Samuel Borstein, Ry Barrett which made The Drownsman (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Drownsman (2014)

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22 Aug 2014 #Canada