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Movies Detail of School for Scoundrels (2006)

✓ Title : School for Scoundrels
✓ Release Date : September 29th, 2006
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Todd Phillips
✓ Writers : Todd Phillips, Scot Armstrong, Scot Armstrong, Patricia Moyes, Hal E. Chester, Stephen Potter
✓ Company : Dimension Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Horatio Sanz, Billy Bob Thornton, Jon Heder, Michael Clarke Duncan, Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, Jacinda Barrett, David Cross, Todd Louiso, Matt Walsh

Synopsis of School for Scoundrels (2006)

A young guy short on luck, enrolls in a class to build confidence to help win over the girl of his dreams, which becomes complicated when his teacher has the same agenda.

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Well, School for Scoundrels (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The School for Scoundrels (2006) itselft directed by Todd Phillips and Starring by Horatio Sanz, Billy Bob Thornton, Jon Heder, Michael Clarke Duncan, Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, Jacinda Barrett, David Cross, Todd Louiso, Matt Walsh which made School for Scoundrels (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

School for Scoundrels (2006)

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29 Sep 2006 #United States of America