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Severance 2006 Film complet you tube


Movies Detail of Severance (2006)

✓ Title : Severance
✓ Release Date : May 19th, 2006
✓ Genres : Horror, Comedy, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Directors : Christopher Smith, Krisztina Kelemen
✓ Writers : Christopher Smith, James Moran
✓ Companies : Dan Films, Qwerty Films, HanWay Films, Isle of Man Film, N1 European Film Produktions GmbH & Co. KG, UK Film Council
✓ Countries : United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary
✓ Cast : David Gilliam, Laura Harris, Tim McInnerny, Toby Stephens, Claudie Blakley, Babou Ceesay, Danny Dyer, Juli Drajkó, Andy Nyman, Judit Viktor

Synopsis of Severance (2006)

Members (Danny Dyer, Laura Harris, Tim McInnerny) of the Palisades Defense Corp. sales group arrive in Europe for a team-building exercise. A fallen tree blocks the route, and they must hike to their destination. However, a psychotic killer lurks in the woods, and he has a horrible fate in mind for each of the co-workers.

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Well, Severance (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Severance (2006) itselft directed by Christopher Smith, Krisztina Kelemen and Starring by David Gilliam, Laura Harris, Tim McInnerny, Toby Stephens, Claudie Blakley, Babou Ceesay, Danny Dyer, Juli Drajkó, Andy Nyman, Judit Viktor which made Severance (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Severance (2006)

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