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Farewell to the Night 2019 Film complet tamil


Movies Detail of Farewell to the Night (2019)

✓ Title : Farewell to the Night
✓ Original Title : L’Adieu à la nuit
✓ Release Date : April 24th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : André Téchiné
✓ Writers : André Téchiné, Léa Mysius
✓ Companies : ARTE France Cinéma, Curiosa Films, Legato Films, Films Boutique
✓ Countries : France, Germany
✓ Cast : Oulaya Amamra, Kamel Labroudi, Catherine Deneuve, Kacey Mottet Klein, Stéphane Bak

Synopsis of Farewell to the Night (2019)

Muriel breeds horses in France and runs an almond plantation with her business partner from the Maghreb. A confident woman who spent her childhood and youth in Algeria, Muriel seems to enjoy a life that is both harmonious and fulfilled. She receives a visit from her beloved grandson Alex, whom she raised after his mother died in an accident. He is on his way to Canada, where he allegedly has a job. However, Muriel discovers that Alex has other plans – and a much more dangerous destination. Moreover, his childhood sweetheart Lila also seems to be more deeply involved than Muriel initially suspects. The young man becomes more and more of a stranger to her; the complete change that has come over him is incomprehensible to his grandmother. She senses that her words and any amount of discussion will not help. Finding herself caught in a dilemma between her love for her grandson and her deep concern, she decides to take a drastic step.

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Well, Farewell to the Night (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Farewell to the Night (2019) itselft directed by André Téchiné and Starring by Oulaya Amamra, Kamel Labroudi, Catherine Deneuve, Kacey Mottet Klein, Stéphane Bak which made Farewell to the Night (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Farewell to the Night (2019)

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