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Ver~Mira!! The End Of The World (2013) Sub Español Pelicula Completa [HD]


Movies Detail of The End Of The World (2013)

✓ Title : The End Of The World
✓ Original Title : Um Fim do Mundo
✓ Release Date : February 12th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 64 minutes
✓ Director : Pedro Pinho
✓ Companies : Vende-Se Filmes, Terratreme
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Idalécio Gomes, Manuel Gomes, Eva Santos, Iara Teixeira

Synopsis of The End Of The World (2013)

A portrait of the daily lives of young people living in a new-built estate on the outskirts of Lisbon. School is a joke and there’s no work to be had anyway, so the girls try to have fun as best they can. New-girl Eva is very pretty but quiet. The others aren’t sure at first whether she’s arrogant or just shy. Iara and Eva head off to the beach with two boys. The lads turn a couple of abandoned shopping trolleys into racing chariots for them and the atmosphere begins to tingle. Later, they argue with the rest of the group. The other girls manage to get into a club that night but the boys don’t and must kick their heels outside. They’re bent on revenge. They meet up with Eva and go back to her place.

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Well, The End Of The World (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The End Of The World (2013) itselft directed by Pedro Pinho and Starring by Idalécio Gomes, Manuel Gomes, Eva Santos, Iara Teixeira which made The End Of The World (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The End Of The World (2013)

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12 Feb 2013 #Portugal