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Achchamundu Achchamundu 2009 Film complet Regarder En ligne

Movies Detail of Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009)

✓ Title : Achchamundu Achchamundu
✓ Original Title : அச்சமுண்டு அச்சமுண்டு
✓ Release Date : July 17th, 2009
✓ Runtime : 160 minutes
✓ Director : Arun Vaidyanathan
✓ Writer : Arun Vaidyanathan
✓ Country : India
✓ Cast : John Shea, Dheepa Ramanujam, Sneha, Prasanna, Andrea Harrison, Mark Stolzenberg

Synopsis of Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009)

Senthil Kumar (Prasanna) and Malini (Sneha) are a happily married couple in New Jersey, living life like any other born-in-India, arrived-in-the-US couple do. He submerges himself in the office and eats sambhar rice at home and she never misses a bhajan at the temple and shops at Indian stores. They have a daughter Rithika (Akshaya Dinesh), 5 years old, the apple of their lives (their car's registration number carries the name of their daughter.) They have just settled down in a new, spacious home about which Malini, understandably, has fears. The couple squabble amicably about everything from her perpetual laundry and cooking; while Senthil argues with friends about the significance of viboothi (holy ash, usually applied on forehead) and takes his family on weekend trips and birthday parties. It is a normal, happy life in the US until Robertson (John Shea) arrives, to paint the basement. Now, things are never the same at home again.

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Well, Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009) itselft directed by Arun Vaidyanathan and Starring by John Shea, Dheepa Ramanujam, Sneha, Prasanna, Andrea Harrison, Mark Stolzenberg which made Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Achchamundu Achchamundu (2009)

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17 Jul 2009 #India